Sunday, February 7, 2010

Divided America works for GOP but not for the sick

Watching opponents of health care revel in their ability to stall reform is troubling and heart breaking. I am totally puzzled how so many can stand so aggressively and with such callousness against helping their fellow citizens.

We all know people who are hurting these days and many of us have seen friends die because of lack of, or poor health care. It is confounding to me to see a segment of our population rail against assisting the sick amongst us, while they bellow out in their healthy state, how doing so would bring an end to democracy as we know it. They lecture us all about the evils of socialism while a huge percentage of them are on, or soon will be on Social Security and Medicare. They have the nerve to call those of us who have seen friends denied health care and die as a result, “un-American”.

I was raised to believe that helping the less fortunate was the right thing, and yes, even the most American thing you could do. That is who we are as a people. We answer the call when people need us, and yet now we hear if we were to do what is in our National DNA, help the less fortunate, we are going to destroy the Country.

Here is my challenge to all you who fear health care for your fellow citizen because it represents the next great “Red scare” in your paranoid minds. If you really believe your cruel rhetoric, do not drive on another road or highway because it’s the evil government who builds and maintains these thoroughfares for you to travel on. Do not board another train as most are subsidized by local, state and federal government. Do not ever take another plane flight anywhere, as every single airport built in this nation has been built by the government for the peoples use. Bet you never realized you were stepping into a government building every time you took a plane flight did you? While you’re exercising your resistance to “socialism, do not use another National Park, as we decided a long time ago the U.S. Government was the keeper of vast lands that would have otherwise been destroyed by your loving corporations.

I have discovered how difficult it is to watch healthy people complain about sick people getting care. I refuse to let those without compassion walk all over the rights of our fellow citizens who need us the most in their time of illness. Yes that is correct, we all have the right to live and suffer if needed, and eventually die absent from the shame of lack of care. In this modern age with the technology we have available to us, it is unthinkable some of us would have access to the wonders of modern medicine and others would not, simply because they are poor, or unemployed, or dropped from coverage because they got sick or denied altogether because of what some insurance executive void of conscience came up with called, a “pre-existing condition”. Such a phase denies the absolute fact we all suffer from this horrid malady. It’s called mortally.

Let’s face it, at some point all us will eventually have a pre-existing condition of some sort as that is part of the natural aging process Many would be shocked to know just how early in life that applied to them. They have been walking around for years completely clueless they are one of the millions who have already joined those ranks but have just not had it applied to them by the insurance companies.

If you ever find yourself in the unfortunate position many in our Country have, with out health care, that will be a shame. If you would like to be left alone to suffer and die because you don’t want any help from a “socialist” like me, that will be sad, but do not expect me to ignore those who want and need help, to go without it at my hand. By the way, me and my fellow “liberals” will lovingly care for you too because after all, you are one of us, and that’s what we do, we care for each other.